I recently created my first script in Node JS, which automates user creation on a Nuxeo server. I’d like to share my experience about it. Objective of this blog is to let you understand what are the basic things we need to know when using Node JS.
How execution looks like?
Before implementing the script, you need to understand how the script will be executed. A Node JS script can be executed from command line as follows:
node awesome.js [ args... ]
Dependency Declaration
When using a new dependency, you need to declare it in the package.json
There’re several ways to declare it: if it’s a normal dependency, declare it
in the “dependencies” node; if it’s a development dependency, declare it in
the “devDependencies” node. More explanation about them, see StackOverflow -
What’s the difference between dependencies, devDependencies and peerDependencies
in npm package.json file? For example, using library “prompt” can be
declared as follows:
"dependencies": {
"prompt": "^1.0.0"
After having declared your new dependencies, you can do a npm install
install them. The dependencies will then installed into the node_modules
directory. If you don’t understand expression “^1.0.0”, take a look at Npm
semver calculator: it can do the calculation for you.
Using Arguments
Arguments are important because they allow user to provide data dynamically.
Arguments are handled by process.argv
, which is an array. Use it to check
whether user provides correct number of arguments, and consume arguments. Note
that node
is the first argument (index=0), your script is the 2nd argument
(index=1), so user arguments start at index 2.
// Check arguments length
if (process.argv.length !== 3) {
console.error(`Invalid number of arguments. Usage:
node create-users.js <NUM_TESTERS>`);
return 1;
// Retrieve argument
let numTesters = process.argv[2];
Template Literals
Template literals are string literals allowing embedded expressions. You can use
multi-line strings and string interpolation features with them. For example,
create a username using variable i
let username = `user-${i}`;
For more detail, see MDN: Template literals.
Iteration: For-Loop, ForEach, and Map
When doing automation in script, a collection of elements is often used: a map, an array, a set, etc. It’s important to understand how to iterate over these objects. There’re 3 major ways to do it: using a for-loop statement, the forEach() method, or the map() method.
For loop:
// index
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { ... }
// no index
for (var item of items) { ... }
Method forEach():
items.forEach(item => {
// consume each item,
// no returned value
Method map():
// transform a given object to another
ids = items.map(item => item.id);
The Promise object represents the eventual completion (or failure) of an asynchronous operation, and its resulting value. Since it’s asynchronous, we need to have a clear timeline in our head, and be very careful about the implementation.
In my script, user creations are HTTP requests, represented as a collection of
promises. I use Promise.all()
to group all the creation promises together, and
consider them as a single promise. This single promise is resolved when all the
user creations have been resolved. As for failure, Promise.all() fails fast—it
rejects with the reason of the first promise that rejects.
let deletions = ids.map(id => {
return nuxeo.users()
.then(resp => { ... })
.catch(e => { ... });
console.log('Delete existing testers...');
.then(() => { ... })
.then(() => { ... })
.catch(e => console.log(`Promise.all failed: ${e}`));
In this post, we talked about the basics of creating a simple script in Node.JS, including execution syntax, dependency declaration, using arguments, template literals, different iterations and promises for asynchronous operations. Hope you enjoy this post, see you next time.