How CompletableFuture is tested in OpenJDK?

How CompletableFuture is tested in OpenJDK 14? What can we learn from it?


This article tries to answer one question:

How CompletableFuture is tested in OpenJDK?

In my daily job, I need to use CompletableFuture to write non-blocking code in Java. While there are tutorials on the internet about the introduction of completable future, I rarely saw any post about testing. So I spent some time this weekend to read the source code of OpenJDK and try to answer the question above.

The goal of this article is not to become an OpenJDK contributor or cover all the important topics. (I’m clearly not qualified to write this.) The goal is to learn some basic techniques about concurrency testing. In the following sections, I am going to explain the file-structure and the set-up. Then I will pick one example, thenCompose, to see how a typical test-case works. Afterward, I will explain the usage of atomic classes and count-down-latch. In the end, I will finish by recommending some resources for going further on this topic.

This article uses the source code of OpenJDK 14 (jdk-14-ga) as support.


jdk ((jdk-14-ga)) $ fd --full-path --type file CompletableFuture test | xargs wc -l
     885 test/jdk/java/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture/
      68 test/jdk/java/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture/
     122 test/jdk/java/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture/
    5132 test/jdk/java/util/concurrent/tck/
    6207 total

From the command above, you can see that several files are used for testing the java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture and they represent 6207 lines of code in total. What a heavy test suite! Developers put a lot of effort to keep this bug-free for us… Thanks!

File Description
Basic 885 lines. A basic test-suite for CompletableFuture
ThenComposeAsyncTest 68 lines. It tests that CompletableFuture.thenCompose works correctly if the composing tasks is complete before composition.
ThenComposeExceptionTest 122 lines. It tests that CompletableFuture.thenCompose works correctly if composing future completes exceptionally.
CompletableFutureTest 5132 lines. A Technology Compatibility Kit (TCK) for CompletableFuture. It is a suite of tests that at least nominally checks a particular alleged implementation of a Java Specification Request (JSR) for compliance.


Normally, a test suite always contains a set-up phase, such as @BeforeEach in JUnit 5. So I am curious to know what is done for CompletableFuture. When reading the code, I don’t see the common set up before each test. I think it’s because CompletableFuture can be created easily using either the constructor or its factor methods. So there is no need to have any specific set up. However, to reuse the same testing logic for several scenarios, there are one or more for-loops before some tests, which are served as parameters of the test case. Here is an example from testThenCompose_normalCompletion:

// File: L3055-L3069

public void testThenCompose_normalCompletion() {
    for (ExecutionMode m : ExecutionMode.values())
    for (boolean createIncomplete : new boolean[] { true, false })
    for (Integer v1 : new Integer[] { 1, null })

As you can see, there are 3 input parameters for the tests: the execution mode (m); whether we should create an incomplete completable future or not (createIncomplete); and an input integer value (v1). Execution modes include synchronous mode (SYNC), asynchronous mode (ASYNC), and executor mode (EXECUTOR).

Method thenCompose

Now we saw the basic structure, it’s time to dig deeper and explore more detail about testing. Here we continue on the same example to see how thenCompose API is tested for its normal completion.

 * thenCompose result completes normally after normal completion of source
public void testThenCompose_normalCompletion() {
    for (ExecutionMode m : ExecutionMode.values())
    for (boolean createIncomplete : new boolean[] { true, false })
    for (Integer v1 : new Integer[] { 1, null })
    final CompletableFuture<Integer> f = new CompletableFuture<>();  // 1
    final CompletableFutureInc r = new CompletableFutureInc(m);
    if (!createIncomplete) assertTrue(f.complete(v1));  // 2
    final CompletableFuture<Integer> g = m.thenCompose(f, r);  // 3
    if (createIncomplete) assertTrue(f.complete(v1));  // 4

    checkCompletedNormally(g, inc(v1));  // 5
    checkCompletedNormally(f, v1);

We already saw the for-loops in previous section. Now, let me split the body into 5 steps and explain them one by one.

Step 1 Prepare

final CompletableFuture<Integer> f = new CompletableFuture<>();  // 1
final CompletableFutureInc r = new CompletableFutureInc(m);

Firstly two objects are created for composition:

  • A completable future f which returns a nullable integer
  • An action r which is served as composition input and to capture the invocations.

More detail about the checked integer action CompletableFutureInc:

// File: L574-L583

static class CompletableFutureInc extends CheckedIntegerAction
    implements Function<Integer, CompletableFuture<Integer>>
    CompletableFutureInc(ExecutionMode m) { super(m); }
    public CompletableFuture<Integer> apply(Integer x) {
        value = x;
        return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(inc(x));

Step 2 Create Incomplete Before Composition

if (!createIncomplete) assertTrue(f.complete(v1));  // 2

Depending on scenarios, we need the future f to be completed either before or after the composition. If completed state is needed before composition, then f.complete(v1) is called. To verify the completion is indeed triggered by f.complete(v1), we assert the result to be true. “Returning true” means this invocation caused the completable future to transition to a completed state.

Step 3 Call thenCompose

final CompletableFuture<Integer> g = m.thenCompose(f, r);  // 3

Then the composition happens. During composition, class CompletableFutureInc executes the logic of method apply(). More precisely, it marks the action as “invoked” and saves the number of invocations; it saves the input value, passed from completable future f; and finally, complete itself using the incremented value v + 1 or null if the input is null.

Step 4 Create Incomplete After Composition

if (createIncomplete) assertTrue(f.complete(v1));  // 4

Depending on scenarios, we need the future f to be completed either before or after the composition. If completed state is needed after composition, the f.complete(v1) is called. To verify the completion is indeed triggered by f.complete(v1), we assert the result to be true.

Step 5 Assertions

checkCompletedNormally(g, inc(v1));  // 5
checkCompletedNormally(f, v1);

Finally, we assert the result of completable futures f, g and the action v1 to ensure the expected behaviors, e.g. future-isolation, number of invocations.

  1. Ensure the future g is completed normally and its value is v1 + 1 or null. The value is defined by action r when it completed its future
  2. Ensure the future f is completed normally and its value is v1 or null. The value is not v2 because completable futures f and g are isolated. They represent two different completion stage, where f represents the 1st stage and g represents the 2nd stage. This is true regardless the moment of completion f (before or after composition) because the isolation is guaranteed by the method thenCompose
  3. The last assertion is on the value of action r. Its value is always v1, passed by the method thenCompose. This is true regardless of the moment of completion f (before or after composition).

As you can see, the information is very intense inside the test, it’s definitely not easy to understand… we only talked about 14 lines of code, while there are 5000+ lines. In the following sections, I want to continue on two types of utility classes: atomic classes and latch, to see how OpenJDK uses them for testing and if we can get some inspiration from it.

Atomic Classes

How to use atomic classes, e.g. AtomicInteger or AtomicReference? And why?

Atomic classes appear quite often in the tests. So I wonder how to use them and why they are a good choice. Here is an example, testing the failed stage creation.

// File: L3879-L3891

 * failedStage returns a CompletionStage completed
 * exceptionally with the given Exception
public void testFailedStage() {
    CFException ex = new CFException();
    CompletionStage<Integer> f = CompletableFuture.failedStage(ex);
    AtomicInteger x = new AtomicInteger(0);
    AtomicReference<Throwable> r = new AtomicReference<>();
    f.whenComplete((v, e) -> {if (e != null) r.set(e); else x.set(v);});
    assertEquals(x.get(), 0);
    assertEquals(r.get(), ex);

Atomic classes, such as AtomicInteger and AtomicReference can be used to capture the information obtained inside a completion stage. For example, in the test testFailedStage, atomic reference r captures the throwable, passed as the stage input e and atomic integer x captures the eventual stage input v. Then, these values are used for assertions. This is practical because these atomic values can be initialized outside of the completion stage and set the value inside the stage with atomicity.


Another powerful utility class is CountDownLatch. It is used only once in ThenComposeAsyncTest:

// File: L41-L67

public void testThenComposeAsync() throws Exception {
    CompletableFuture<String> cf1 =

    CountDownLatch cdl = new CountDownLatch(1);
    CompletableFuture<String> cf2 = cf1.thenCompose(str ->
        CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> {
        while (true) {
            try {
            catch (InterruptedException e) {
        return str + ", two";


    String val = cf2.get();
    Assert.assertEquals(val, "one, two");

Before talking about CountDownLatch, let’s first understand what is being tested here. Here we test the thenCompose usage combined with supplyAsync. Factory method supplyAsync creates an instance asynchronously. This is useful when the creation is slow and we don’t want to block the current thread. The logic is executed in another thread, in the default asynchronous pool (ASYNC_POOL) of CompletableFuture.

To test “thenCompose + async”, the main thread needs to wait the completion of stage 2 “thenCompose” before asserting the result. But how to wait efficiently? Via CountDownLatch.

CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> {
    while (true) {
        try {
        catch (InterruptedException e) {
    return str + ", two";

Inside the thread of asynchronous pool, an endless while-loop is created and it won’t even exit when an interruption request is sent. It keeps waiting until the latch cdl has counted down to zero (in main thread).


String val = cf2.get();
Assert.assertEquals(val, "one, two");

On the other side, the main thread controls the latch by performing the count-down operation. And it does not wait – the future result is returned and asserted immediately after the operation. Compared to CompletableFuture.join(), using get() ensures the returned CompletableFuture completes after call to thenCompose. It guarantees that any premature internal completion will be detected (JDK-8029164, commit).

Going Further

How to go further from here?


In this article, we explored CompletableFuture testing via some source code of OpenJDK: we saw the 4 concerned files and their purposes; we visited one test case as an example by going through the future-creation, the condition set-up, the composition, and assertions; we continued on atomic classes for capturing the nominal value and exception; we also saw the count-down-latch pattern for testing async method composition; and finally, we ended up with some useful resources for going further in this topic. Thank you for reading this article. Interested to know more? You can subscribe to the feed of my blog, follow me on Twitter or GitHub. Hope you enjoy this article, see you the next time!
