After 8 weeks intensive works in nights and weekends, we’ve finally released the first application of our life : eRallye. This Android application is an app built for French association Elles bougent. During their rallies Ingénieure ou techinicienne … un métier pour moi destined for teenagers, participants and rally hosts use our app for several usages: find goals in the city, play quizzes using QR code, score check, share photos, read companies’ info etc.
For the review, there’re many things to talk about. The most important must be test. Testing, like unit testing, integration testing is really necessary. We’ve made a huge mistake to not to include them in our project. For unit testing, it is a good-practice. Each time before the deployment, all tests will be launched. If one failed, then the deployment is automatically lead to refused. On the other side, we should embed integration tools on GitHub like Jenkins and Travis Ci. All git push must go through them, so we can ensure correctness of git code. These actions / tools can eliminate most of the problems. I consider it as a test-driven project.
The second part is the use of technology. If the team do not have a mastery on a technology, no matter how wonderful it is, we should avoid them. It will be a great thing if everything works, but in most of the time, the lack of mastery drives us to nightmare when a failure occurs.
The last part is task assignment. Do not place too many tasks to the one person. If he is ill, or for any reason, cannot participate in the project, we will therefore pay a heavy price.
At the end, I’d like to thanks my teammates. No matter the result, we’ve been working together days and nights (we all have an intern for weekdays as well). Really appreciate the motivation of everyone !! Great team ESIGELEC. #FantasticFour
Commits of the server side erally_server:
Commits of the client side erally_android: