Today, I created an example to demonstrate how BooleanQuery
works and
two different ways to construct a boolean query, using default constructor and
using query builder. The construction using default constructor has been
deprecated after Apache Lucene 5.3.0 and deleted in Apache Lucene 6.0.0. So
we should use BooleanQuery.Builder
to build queries.
This change has been annonced at the Apache Lucene’s news at 24 August 2015, the release of Apache Lucene 5.3.0 :
Lucene 5.3.0 Release Highlights:
API Changes
- PhraseQuery and BooleanQuery are now immutable
- …
Here’s an example showing the difference between them :
Query query = queryParser.parse("keyword");
BooleanQuery booleanQuery;
switch (mode) {
// deprecated since 5.3.0
// because PhraseQuery and BooleanQuery are immutable now
booleanQuery = new BooleanQuery();
booleanQuery.add(query, Occur.MUST);
// now, builder should be used instead
booleanQuery = new BooleanQuery.Builder()
.add(query, Occur.MUST)
You can download my example code on github gsoc-lucene. Import the projet
called boolean-query
in Eclipse. Once finished, run the main method of
class io.github.mincongh.App
(Run As > Java Application).
The result will be printed in console :
Indexing /Users/mincong/Documents/GitHub/gsoc-lucene/boolean-query/src/main/resources/docs/apache-lucene-about.txt
Indexing /Users/mincong/Documents/GitHub/gsoc-lucene/boolean-query/src/main/resources/docs/apache-lucene-news.txt
Indexing /Users/mincong/Documents/GitHub/gsoc-lucene/boolean-query/src/main/resources/docs/gsoc.txt
3 File indexed, time taken: 135 ms
Using default constructor in boolean query (up to 5.2.x) ...
2 documents found. Time :24
File: /Users/mincong/Documents/GitHub/gsoc-lucene/boolean-query/src/main/resources/docs/apache-lucene-about.txt
File: /Users/mincong/Documents/GitHub/gsoc-lucene/boolean-query/src/main/resources/docs/apache-lucene-news.txt
Using query builder in boolean query (since 5.3.0) ...
2 documents found. Time :0
File: /Users/mincong/Documents/GitHub/gsoc-lucene/boolean-query/src/main/resources/docs/apache-lucene-about.txt
File: /Users/mincong/Documents/GitHub/gsoc-lucene/boolean-query/src/main/resources/docs/apache-lucene-news.txt