Docker Maven Plugin

Introduction to Docker Maven Plugin: how to build and run Docker images in Maven via samples from Debezium and Docker Maven Plugin itself.


Recently I contributed to project Debezium, an open-source distributed platform for change data capture (CDC). That’s how I discovered Maven Docker Plugin, an amazing tool to make Docker part of your build pipeline. In this article, I will share some basic knowledge I learned from Debezium and samples of Docker Maven Plugin. More precisely, I will talk about:

  • Why using Docker Maven Plugin?
  • Structure of Docker Maven Plugin
  • How to build Docker image?
  • How to run Docker image?
  • Maven goal binding

This article uses Debezium v1.0.0.Beta2 and Docker Maven Plugin version v0.26.0. Now, let’s get started :)


The typical artifacts created by Maven are JAR, WAR, and EAR. Thanks to Maven Docker Plugin, we can also deliver Docker images from Maven build. It means that we can run the build in one line even with Docker included. Without Docker Maven Plugin, meeting this requirement wouldn’t be easy, it would require us to configure the build pipeline in CI, such as Travis, Jenkins, or GitLab. This will be less user-friendly for localhost development and more CI-dependent. Also, using Docker Maven Plugin makes the build benefit from maven properties or the Maven system in general.

Being able to run Docker containers during Maven build is another advantage. It enables many possibilities for testing: you can test apps running on different versions of Java, different programming languages, different operation systems, and more. It also helps to avoid classpath conflicts in your dependencies. Thanks to Docker Maven Plugin, Debezium can test different databases, such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server effortlessly.

  • Test Docker containers
    • Cross Java version support
    • Cross programming language support
    • Cross OS support
    • Avoid Java classpath conflicts
  • Create Docker image using Maven
    • Package the software in one line
    • Benefit from Maven properties or the Maven system in general


You can declare Docker Maven Plugin as other Maven plugins in your POM file. Here is an example from “Debezium Connector for PostgreSQL”. In this excerpt, we can see that the configuration is grouped by image: each image has its configuration sections for building (<build>) and running (<run>). The structure of both sections is very similar to their original Docker commands: docker-build command (Dockerfile reference) and docker-run command. Let’s get into these commands in the next paragraphs.



There are two modes to build a Docker image using Docker Maven Plugin: inline plugin configuration or external Dockerfile/Docker archive. Regardless which mode chosen, the images will be built via Maven goal:

mvn docker:build

Note that if you just want to run tests against an existing image, you don’t need build your own image: pulling that image from Docker registry is enough.

Build: Inline Plugin Configuration

Debezium uses inline plugin configuration. In Maven module “Debezium Connector for PostgreSQL”, the build for image “debezium/postgres-server-test-database” is declared as follows (I replaced the Maven variables by their actual value to make the content easier to understand):

    <run>ln -fs /usr/share/zoneinfo/US/Samoa /etc/localtime &amp;&amp; echo timezone=US/Samoa &gt;&gt; /usr/share/postgresql/postgresql.conf.sample</run>

As you can see, the base image got slightly modified by setting the timezone to US/Samoa. When executing the goal docker:build, you can see the effective Docker commands used to assemble the image. In other words, the Dockerfile is created on the fly with all instructions extracted from the given configuration.

[INFO] --- docker-maven-plugin:0.26.0:build (default-cli) @ debezium-connector-postgres ---
[INFO] DOCKER> Pulled debezium/postgres:9.6 in 25 seconds
[INFO] Building tar: /Users/mincong/github/debezium/debezium-connector-postgres/target/docker/debezium/postgres-server-test-database/tmp/docker-build.tar
[INFO] DOCKER> [debezium/postgres-server-test-database:latest]: Created docker-build.tar in 106 milliseconds
[INFO] DOCKER> Step 1/2 : FROM debezium/postgres:9.6
[INFO] DOCKER> ---> 8bf61215f1ee
[INFO] DOCKER> Step 2/2 : RUN ln -fs /usr/share/zoneinfo/US/Samoa /etc/localtime && echo timezone=US/Samoa >> /usr/share/postgresql/postgresql.conf.sample
[INFO] DOCKER> ---> Running in 5173c22471c7
[INFO] DOCKER> Removing intermediate container 5173c22471c7
[INFO] DOCKER> ---> 6e02abb2dd21
[INFO] DOCKER> Successfully built 6e02abb2dd21

The effective Dockerfile created on the fly:

FROM debezium/postgres:9.6
RUN ln -fs /usr/share/zoneinfo/US/Samoa /etc/localtime && echo timezone=US/Samoa >> /usr/share/postgresql/postgresql.conf.sample

Build: External Dockerfile

Alternatively an external Dockerfile template or Docker archive can be used to build the Docker image. This mode is switched on by specifying the Docker build context (<contextDir>) in which Dockerfile is located. For example, we can do the following (see source code):


In that “src/main/docker” folder under that sample module, you can see the following Dockerfile. Expressions like ${base} are placeholders and their actual values are injected by Maven using the filtering mechanism:

# Sample Dockerfile for use with the Docker file mode
FROM ${base}


Other configuration options exist for building Docker image, they are: “contextDir” (what I mentioned), “dockerFile”, and “dockerArchive”. For more detail, see the documentation of Docker Maven Plugin, chapter 5.1 docker:build.


Creating and running Docker containers is done using Maven goal “docker:start”. This goal evaluates the configuration of <run> section of each image.

mvn docker:start

We are going to explore some detail using the source code of “Debezium Connector for PostgreSQL”. We will see the configuration for naming strategy, environment variables, port mapping, logging, and wait for startup completion.

<!-- A Docker image using the Postgres Server with the DBZ decoderbufs plugin -->
    <time>30000</time> <!-- 30 seconds max -->
    <log>(?s)PostgreSQL init process complete.*database system is ready to accept connections</log>

Naming stategy (<namingStrategy>). After having created a Docker image called “debezium/postgres-server-test-database” via goal “docker:build”, a Docker container can be created from this image. Naming strategy defines the name of the container. Here, Debezium uses the default mechanism: “none”, which uses a randomly assigned names from Docker. Note that this option is deprecated, you should use option “containerNamePattern” instead.

Environment variables (<env>). Set environment variables in the container you are running, or overwrite variables that are defined in the Dockerfile of the image you are running. Docker Maven Plugin makes it possible to define them via env parameter. For example, Debezium uses it to define the configuration of PostgreSQL, including username, password, database, arguments of database initialization, and language.

Port mapping (<ports>). The “ports” configuration contains a list of port mappings. Each of them binds a port of the container to a port of the host machine. This is equivalent to the port mapping when using the Docker CLI with option -p. In Debezium, the container port defined by Maven property postgres.port (value: 5432) is bound to port 5432 of the host machine.

Logging (<log>). Use “log” configuration to redirect the standard output and standard error of the container and print them as Maven logs. The “prefix” element defines the prefix to use for the logs of the target container. In Debezium’s example, the value is “postgres” and the text color is yellow. Docker Maven Plugin also allows you to use placeholders for more complex use-cases. See Chapter 5.2.10 Logging.

mvn docker:start example output

Wait (<wait>). The “wait” configuration blocks the execution until some conditions are met. It can be: wait until HTTP to be ready, wait until a log pattern is matched, wait until a certain time, etc. In Debezium’s example, we wait until a log message is shown, where its message should match expression ”(?s)PostgreSQL init process complete.*database system is ready to accept connections” (Expression (?s) means this is a multi-line matching). The maximum wait time is 30 seconds.

Goal Binding

You can define when the Docker plugin goals should be executed. One possible binding is to bind goals docker:build and docker:start to phase pre-integration-test so that Docker containers are built and ready for testing. Also, binding goal docker:stop to phase post-integration-test so those containers can be trashed after integration tests. It is recommended to use the maven-failsafe-plugin for integration testing to stop the docker container even when the tests fail. Here is the configuration of Debezium (PostgreSQL connector):


Another possible binding I can think about is to bind docker:build to phase “package” to package and deliver the Docker image(s) as the built artifact(s).


Today we took a quick look on Docker Maven Plugin based on concrete open-source project usage in Debezium. We learned how to configure Docker image via this plugin, including build and run. We also see the goal binding to Maven phase. Interested to know more about Maven or Docker? You can subscribe to my feed, follow me on Twitter or GitHub. Hope you enjoy this article, see you the next time!
