
Set Up Chinese Software Mirrors

This article explains how to download libraries, containers, and other types of software in China by setting mirrors. It also provides candidates and comparisons to help you choose the right one.

DVF: Indexing New Documents

Part 1: Indexing new documents into Elasticsearch using French government's open data "Demande de valeurs foncières (DVF)".

Testing Elasticsearch With Docker And Java High Level REST Client

Testing Elasticsearch with docker and Java High Level REST Client

Docker Maven Plugin

Introduction to Docker Maven Plugin: how to build and run Docker images in Maven via samples from Debezium and Docker Maven Plugin itself.

Setup GitLab Sever Locally

Here’s the guide about how to setup a GitLab server locally using Docker under mac OS through the following steps:

  1. Create folder in file system to store GitLab data.
  2. Create GitLab container.
  3. Setup GitLab container.
  4. Setup a new user.