
JavaScript (/ˈdʒɑːvəˌskrɪpt/), often abbreviated as JS, is a high-level, interpreted programming language. It is a language which is also characterized as dynamic, weakly typed, prototype-based and multi-paradigm. For more detail, see Wikipedia

My Hackathon Projects At Datadog

This article shared the 5 projects that I did over the last hackathons in Datadog and the lessons learned from those experiences.

Adding Query Parameters in Vue.js

What to have better URL for sharing? This Q&A shares how to retrieve query parameters in Vue.js, how to update component data using it, and vise versa.

Using Component in Vue.js

Your vue file is getting big? This Q&A explains how to use component in Vue.js by extracting logic from your existing page.

6 Tips for Fixing Bugs with Legacy Frameworks

In my daily work, I have to deal with legacy frameworks. Here are 6 tips that I summarized for bug-fixing, including documentation, searching, testing, patching library and more.

Test Polymer 2 Using WCT

Web Component Tester (WCT) allows you to test your Polymer elements easily. This article explains how to launch tests locally, set up the tests on CI, detect browsers, and write unit tests using WCT.

Speed Up The Maven Build

How to speed up a Maven project by using different tips.

How Quick Switcher is implemented?

The internal mechanism of Quick Switcher, a Polymer element allowing you to jump into any feature, layout, or menu option in Nuxeo Studio.

My First Script in Node JS

The basics of creating a script in Node.JS, including execution syntax, dependency declaration, arguments, template literals, iterations and promises for asynchronous operations.

Create Element with Polymer 2

Want to create your first web element with Polymer 2? This post provides a step-by-step tutorial for you: Polymer CLI, useful websites, Polymer element's structure, dependency management, AJAX request and more.

JavaScript Cheat Sheet

A simple JS cheat sheet for newbies, containing the basic syntax of commonly used statements: variable, class, array, JSON, ...

Create a HTTP Request in JS

Today, I'll explain how to send HTTP request from your browser. You can achieve that by using builtin JavaScript (XML HTTP Request, or "XHR") or jQuery (1.4, 1.5+).

Learning GWT with Maven

Today, I want to share how to learn GWT 2.8 with Maven GWT Plugin. I wrote this post because the official GWT tutorial has some inconvenience: source code and resources are stored as GWT standard structure, commands must be launched from Apache Ant, JARs and classpath must be handled explicitly etc. I found it more comfortable to start with Maven, the tool which many Java developers are familiar with.