Study notes are resources that I wrote when studying a new suject.
Git: Understanding Git Config
The format of Git internal configuration file (.git/config) is very simple: it has multiple sections, each of which contains multiple options. An option is indeed a key-value pair...
JavaScript Cheat Sheet
A simple JS cheat sheet for newbies, containing the basic syntax of commonly used statements: variable, class, array, JSON, ...

Python 3 Basic Syntax
The basic syntax to learn before writing code in Python 3.
Method Execution In Multithreading
Today I met some multithreading problems. Many Java syntax become very confusing in a multithreading environment. So I created a mini Java program, and wrote this study note to clarify the unclear methods. This blog post will go through the following steps:
- Source code and execution
- Understand
- Understand logic sharing
- Understand variable sharing

Learning HashMap
Understand java.util.HashMap in Java 11: bitwise operations, hash computation using hash code, index calculation, and more.

Introduction to Selenium WebDriver
A quick introduction to Selenium WebDriver, a practical tool for running functional tests and browser automation. The sample is written with Firefox 58 and GeckoDriver 0.20.
GWT SafeCSS Internal
Recently, I helped the GWT community for porting module gwt-safecss to GitHub. I think it’s also a good opportunity to learn more about GWT SafeCss. That’s why I’m writing this study note.
OCP Java 8 Review Notes
Here're some review notes before my Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 8 exam. They're highly inspired by the following books: OCP Java SE 7 Certification Guide and Java 8 in Action. They are excellent resources for learning Java, which I highly recommend.