This week, let’s talk about code quality improvement for newbies. As a junior developer, I made a lot of mistakes as most of the newbies. But thanks to my colleagues, I learned many useful skills to improve my code quality. Now, let’s take a look together.
Ownership on the existing code
In many cases, the code that you need to hanle is out-of-date due to different reasons, e.g. the update of the license in the title, the update of the APIs, the new features of the languages etc. Even though these problems were made by somebody else, you should do something if you’re aware of the problem. If the problem is small, fix it right now. Else, create a JIRA ticket and let someone to handle it later.
Variable Naming and Code Style
The variable naming should be as meaningful as possible. It gives a better
understanding for other developers and therefore, make the code self-explained.
For example, for a string key-value pair, naming the key and value as key
respectively is better than naming them to foo
and bar
// Good
String key = "my key";
String val = "my value";
// Bad
String foo = "my key";
String bar = "my value";
As for the code style, it should be aligned with the existing code. If your mission is to add a new feature or fix a bug, do not try to refactor the code. Adding another style will probably diversify the existing code and make it hard to understand. I think this is particularly true for newbies.
After finishing the development, we need to test the results. All the behaviours should be tested. Not only the expected ones, but also the unexpected. This arrived to me when handling the JIRA ticket NXP-19858 Provide a relax mode for CMIS connector. This ticket aims to provide a relax mode by setting up a property to the Nuxeo Platform. When I sent the pull request, I only tested the expected part, which demonstrates that the code works when the property is set the true. But thanks to Kevin Leturc, I noticed that testing the unexpected cases are important too! It leads the code to another behaviour or a failure (exception) according to different cases.
public void queryWorksCorrectly() {
public void queryThrowsException() {
try {
} catch (MyException e) {
assertTrue(e.getMessage(), e.getMessage().contains("some keywords"));
Documentation is very important and should be written judiciously. It is useful for other the understand the code, but can also leads to misunderstanding if it is not up-to-date or badly explained. Here’re some of my roles when writing documentation:
- Prefer self-explained code over comments
- Prefer simplify code logic over writing long bloc of comment
- Comment all the public API
- DO NOT use annotations in Javadoc without explanation, e.g.
// DO NOT write empty comment.
// It's nothing more than a spam.
* @param a
* @param b
* @return
public int add(int a, int b) {
return a + b;
Sometimes, improving performance is very simple. Using the correct data
structures and avoid brute force solution, changing the order of different if
statements conditions are good enough! Let’s see the following examples, where
condition A condA
is 50% true in average and condition B condB
is 1% true in
// OK
if (condA && condB) {
// Better
if (condB && condA) {
The second solution is better since condition B has only 1% chance to be true,
so in 99% of cases, the program does not need to consider condition A but skip
the if
statement directly.
Yes, that’s all for this week. By the way, happy Chinese new year 新年快乐 and see you next week! :)