Internal Structure Of Elasticsearch Java High-Level REST Client

How is it implemented and what can we learn from it?


The Elasticsearch Java High-Level REST Client was out in 2017 as the replacement of the classical native Java Client (also known as the Transport Client). This client can be used for communicating to the Elasticsearch cluster via RESTful API. During my side project DVF - Demande de Valeurs Foncières, I had the chance to use this client to index documents in Elasticsearch and search them. Then recently, I need to create an internal API client for our team to communicate with a Java backend service. That’s why I am interested in the implementation of Elasticsearch’s REST client and want to get some inspiration from it. If you are a Java developer, a database administrator (DBA), or a regular user of Elasticsearch, this article is also for you: it can help you to better understand the design of this client and the different aspects of an API library.

After reading this article, you will understand:

  • The client and sub-clients
  • The structure of the Java package
  • Its dependencies
  • Error handling mechanism
  • JSON serialization and deserialization
  • Asynchronous processing
  • Observability

By the way, this article is written with the source code of Elasticsearch v7.16.2 and Java 16. And to simplify the naming, you will see the acronym “HLRC”, which means High-Level REST Client. Now, let’s get started!


To initialize a RestHighLevelClient instance, you need a REST low-level client builder to be built as follows:

var builder = RestClient.builder(
    new HttpHost("localhost", 9200, "http"),
    new HttpHost("localhost", 9201, "http"));

try (var restClient = new RestHighLevelClient(builder)) {
  // implement logic here
  var response = client.indices().create(request, RequestOptions.DEFAULT);
} catch (IOException e) {
  // handle exception here


As you can see from the initialization, Elasticsearch High-Level REST Client (HLRC) uses a builder pattern to build the client. This builder allows us to set a lot of parameters that are used for each HTTP request, or in general, allows us to set configurations that are valid during the entire lifecycle of the API client. Here are some examples:

  • setDefaultHeaders – the default HTTP request headers that will be sent along with each HTTP request
  • setFailureListener – to be notified for each request failure
  • setCompressionEnable – whether the request should be compressed using gzip content

Thanks to this builder class, we can set configuration easily in a single place – inside the class whether we construct the API client. Each parameter has its method, served as a named parameter. In Java, we don’t have named parameters, so this is an excellent alternative. The presence of the builder also makes the signature of the API client constructor simple. this is also extensive for Elasticsearch developers – when they need more parameters, they just need to add those parameters in the builder without breaking the RestHighLevelClient.


The client is auto-closeable. It means that a user can use it with the concise try-with-resources syntax in Java because the actual closing logic is delegated to HLRC.

try (var restClient = new RestHighLevelClient(builder)) {

Going further into this direction, we can see that the closing logic is simple: it just calls the underlying client CloseableHttpAsyncClient, a class from the HTTP async Client (org.apache.httpcomponents:httpasyncclient:4.1.4), one of the Apache HttpComponents Client.

public void close() throws IOException {


Elasticsearch is a complex ecosystem these days. There are many modules in it: cluster, core, index-lifecycle, cross-cluster replication (CCR), search, analytics, security, snapshot lifecycle management (SLM), … There is no way that all APIs can fit inside one single client. To better organize the code, Elasticsearch groups the APIs by domain inside the RestHighLevelClient, so that the interaction with that one domain is handled specifically by the domain sub-client. Here is the code:

public class RestHighLevelClient implements Closeable {

  private final IndicesClient indicesClient = new IndicesClient(this);
  private final ClusterClient clusterClient = new ClusterClient(this);
  private final IngestClient ingestClient = new IngestClient(this);

As you may see, each sub-client is instantiated using the instance of the rest client, such as new IndicesClient(this). This is because the sub-client does not handle the actual HTTP request, it asks the low-level rest client to do it. This is a smart choice because, at the low level, the domain notion is gone – it’s just a matter of sending the JSON payload from the client to the server and waiting for the response. Then, inside the sub-client, there is a pointer to the original class:

public final class IndicesClient {
   private final RestHighLevelClient restHighLevelClient;

   IndicesClient(RestHighLevelClient restHighLevelClient) {
       this.restHighLevelClient = restHighLevelClient;

From a user point of view, the API can be accessed as follows:

client.indices().create(request, RequestOptions.DEFAULT);

And inside the create method, the implementation is:

public CreateIndexResponse create(
  CreateIndexRequest createIndexRequest,
  RequestOptions options) throws IOException {
  return restHighLevelClient.performRequestAndParseEntity(

where the wrapper class InidicesClient just calls the rest client to perform the actual HTTP request. More precisely, the rest client performs the HTTP request using the given input structure (CreateIndexRequest), the converter IndicesRequestConverters for JSON serialization, alongside the given request options. Then, when receiving the response, it uses the method fromXContent to deserialize the JSON content back to the Java structure.

From my point of view, having sub-clients is a brilliant idea. It is extremely useful when the server APIs grow and become more complex. Having these sub-clients allows the framework developers (the Elastic employees or community contributors) to:

  1. Avoid a giant class containing all the logic.
  2. Decouple the business logic (high-level) and the actual API logic (low-level), where the business logic is delegated to different sub-client, specific to a target module (index, cluster, snapshot, …) and let the rest client itself to handle the low-level HTTP request and response.
  3. It increases significantly the readability of the code.


As a library, how is the High-Level REST Client (HLRC) organized? What can we learn from it? Since Elasticsearch is open-source, let’s go to the source code and find it out. 👀

Request And Response

From the following tree command, we can see that the request and response representations are stored inside a package, specific to the given domain, like asynchronous search, cluster, core, etc.

➜  elasticsearch git:(v7.16.2-rest-client u=) tree -P 'cluster|core|asyncsearch' --matchdirs -L 2 client/rest-high-level/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/client | head -n 20
├── analytics
├── asyncsearch
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── ccr
├── cluster
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── common
├── core
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──

This is a good idea because it provides a clear separation between different modules and ensure that the structure remains clear when the business grows – i.e. when we will have more and more modules in the API client.

However, there is a counter-example – the machine learning (ML) package, which contains 107 files, most of them are structures of request and response. Maybe it’s time for Elasticsearch to split them into a better structure, i.e. multiple sub-domains for machine learning.

Other Classes

Sub-clients and converters are stored directly inside the root directory. There are other classes as well but let’s focus on sub-clients and converters first.

➜  elasticsearch git:(v7.16.2-rest-client u=) tree -I '*|*' -L 1 client/rest-high-level/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/client | head

I am not sure why they are not stored inside the domain packages. Putting them into sub-packages could simplify the structure of the root package (org.elasticsearch.client). Perhaps it has to be in the root package because the conversion methods are package-private (without private, public modifiers), so they have to be in the same Java package of the rest client so that they can be used during the HTTP request handling.


What are the dependencies used by this client?

Understanding the list of dependencies is useful for software development. It gives us some hints about the structure of the client, its complexity, the potential vulnerabilities, classpath conflicts, etc. We can find the list using the Gradle dependency command:

gradle <subproject>:dependencies

in our case, it is:

➜  elasticsearch git:(v7.16.2-rest-client u=) ./gradlew client:rest-high-level:dependencies

Here we can see the dependencies used by the compile classpath. There are dependencies coming from Elasticsearch, dependencies from Jackson for serialization, dependencies from Log4J for logging, and dependencies from Apache HTTP for HTTP requests, etc.

compileClasspath - Compile classpath for source set 'main'.
+--- project :server
|    +--- project :libs:elasticsearch-core
|    +--- project :libs:elasticsearch-secure-sm
|    +--- project :libs:elasticsearch-x-content
|    |    +--- project :libs:elasticsearch-core
|    |    +--- org.yaml:snakeyaml:1.26
|    |    +--- com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-core:2.10.4
|    |    +--- com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat:jackson-dataformat-smile:2.10.4
|    |    +--- com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat:jackson-dataformat-yaml:2.10.4
|    |    \--- com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat:jackson-dataformat-cbor:2.10.4
|    +--- project :libs:elasticsearch-geo
|    +--- project :libs:elasticsearch-lz4
|    |    +--- org.lz4:lz4-java:1.8.0
|    |    \--- project :libs:elasticsearch-core
|    +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-core:8.10.1
|    +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-analyzers-common:8.10.1
|    +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-backward-codecs:8.10.1
|    +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-grouping:8.10.1
|    +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-highlighter:8.10.1
|    +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-join:8.10.1
|    +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-memory:8.10.1
|    +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-misc:8.10.1
|    +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-queries:8.10.1
|    +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-queryparser:8.10.1
|    +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-sandbox:8.10.1
|    +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-spatial3d:8.10.1
|    +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-suggest:8.10.1
|    +--- project :libs:elasticsearch-cli
|    |    +--- net.sf.jopt-simple:jopt-simple:5.0.2
|    |    \--- project :libs:elasticsearch-core
|    +--- com.carrotsearch:hppc:0.8.1
|    +--- joda-time:joda-time:2.10.10
|    +--- com.tdunning:t-digest:3.2
|    +--- org.hdrhistogram:HdrHistogram:2.1.9
|    +--- org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-api:2.17.0
|    +--- org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-core:2.17.0
|    \---
+--- project :client:rest
|    +--- org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:4.5.10
|    +--- org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:4.4.12
|    +--- org.apache.httpcomponents:httpasyncclient:4.1.4
|    +--- org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore-nio:4.4.12
|    +--- commons-codec:commons-codec:1.11
|    \--- commons-logging:commons-logging:1.1.3
+--- project :modules:mapper-extras
+--- project :modules:parent-join
+--- project :modules:aggs-matrix-stats
+--- project :modules:rank-eval
\--- project :modules:lang-mustache


How to serialize Java request into JSON and deserialize it from JSON to Java?


In Elasticsearch, XContent is a generic abstraction for content handling, inspired by JSON and pull parsing. There are 4 types of XContent:

Type Description
JSON A JSON based content type.
SMILE The jackson based smile binary format. Fast and compact binary format.
YAML A YAML based content type.
CBOR A CBOR based content type.

In our case, we are mostly interested in the JSON content type.


The serialization of the request is handled by the converters. There are many of them, perhaps one per domain (sub-client). Their naming convention is the name of the domain, followed by the suffix *

source: org.elasticsearch.client.{domain}.XxxRequest
target: org.elasticsearch.client.Request

In each converter, you can find a manual process for converting each field of a domain-specific request into a low-level HTTP request.


On the other side, there is a fromXContent(XContentParser parser) method for deserialization. You can from it in the domain-specific response, which allows parsing the low-level JSON response back to a high-level response in Java.

Here is an example from the Cluster Health API:

public ClusterHealthResponse health(ClusterHealthRequest healthRequest, RequestOptions options) throws IOException {
    return restHighLevelClient.performRequestAndParseEntity(
        healthRequest, // domain-specific request
        ClusterRequestConverters::clusterHealth, // serialization
        ClusterHealthResponse::fromXContent, // deserialization

Error Handling

According to the Javadoc of the HTTP response listener, there are two main categories of failures: connection failures (usually I/O exception), or responses that were treated as errors based on their error response code as ResponseException.


The I/O exception is thrown during the execution of the HTTP request, in case of a problem or the connection was aborted. Unfortunately, I didn’t find out more information about this part. If you know more details about it, please let me know.


Response exception is an exception thrown when an Elasticsearch node responds to a request with a status code that indicates an error. It holds the response that was returned. Its message contains the HTTP method, the host name, the URI, and the status line (protocol version, status code, and the reason), the list of warnings if there is any, and finally the entity of the HTTP response. Here is the structure:

method [{method}], host [{host}], URI [{uri}], status line [{status}]
Warnings: {warnings}

A response exception is constructed after having received the HTTP response in the low-level RESTful client. You can see that in the following code block (after the try-catch statement):

private Response performRequest(final NodeTuple<Iterator<Node>> tuple, final InternalRequest request, Exception previousException)
    throws IOException {
    RequestContext context = request.createContextForNextAttempt(, tuple.authCache);
    HttpResponse httpResponse;
    try {
        httpResponse = client.execute(context.requestProducer, context.asyncResponseConsumer, context.context, null).get();
    } catch (Exception e) {
    // Note: conversion happens here
    ResponseOrResponseException responseOrResponseException = convertResponse(request, context.node, httpResponse);
    if (responseOrResponseException.responseException == null) {
        return responseOrResponseException.response;


It is also possible that the client throws a runtime exception. From what I see, it happens in at least the two following cases: when the input argument is invalid and when the parsing failed during the deserialization.

When the input argument is incorrect, such as giving a negative value to a field that requires a positive number, it raises a runtime exception:

public HeapBufferedAsyncResponseConsumer(int bufferLimit) {
    if (bufferLimit <= 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("bufferLimit must be greater than 0");
    this.bufferLimitBytes = bufferLimit;

Another case in the XContent parsing:

XContentParser.Token token;
if (parser.currentToken() != XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT) {
    token = parser.nextToken();
    if (token != XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT) {
        throw new ParsingException(parser.getTokenLocation(), "Failed to parse object: Expected START_OBJECT but was: " + token);

Exception Retry

Elasticsearch HLRC may connect to multiple nodes of a given cluster. It selects a host out of the provided ones in a round-robin fashion. Failing hosts are marked dead and retried after a certain amount of time (minimum 1 minute, maximum 30 minutes), depending on how many times they priviously failed (the more failures, the later they will be retried). In case of failures, all of the alive nodes (or dead nodes that deserve a retry) are retried until one responds or none of them does, in which case an IOException will be thrown.

To mark a node as dead, the client reads the status code returned by the HTTP response and determines if it is one of the following codes (isRetryStatus): 502 Bad Gateway, 503 Service Unavailable, and 504 Gateway Timeout. If yes, then the host is marked as dead. Otherwise, the host is marked alive and the request won’t be retried as the error should be a request problem. We can find the logic inside the response conversion method of the low-level RESTful client:

ResponseException responseException = new ResponseException(response);
if (isRetryStatus(statusCode)) {
    // mark host dead and retry against next one
    return new ResponseOrResponseException(responseException);
// mark host alive and don't retry, as the error should be a request problem
throw responseException;


How is the source code tested?

There are several types of tests in this package: unit tests for a given method, unit tests with a mock HTTP server, and integration tests with a real Elasticsearch environment. In this section, we are going to take a quick look into them.

Unit Test

Unit tests are stored in files having the name * in the Git repository. If I take RestClientBuilderTests as an example, we can see that it tests the input validation of the builder. That is, the builder should raise an example when the input argument is not valid: hosts must not be null nor empty, default headers must not be null, etc. These tests are simple unit tests without an HTTP server.

Mock HTTP Server

Some tests are specific for validating a given HTTP behavior. For example, the RestClientGzipCompressionTests, which validates the Gzip compression. These tests are also considered as unit tests in Elasticsearch, since their filenames also end with * In the example of Gzip tests, the test suite sets up an HTTP server ( with a Gzip response handler. The test suite ensure that the low-level REST client handles the compression correctly according to the client options (setCompressionEnabled(boolean)).

Integration Test

Integration tests are stored in files having the name * or * They extend the class ESRestTestCase which can talk to a real Elasticsearch cluster with a list of hosts. The high-level client wraps the low-level client and the low-level client connects to those clusterHosts. Therefore, we can create a request, let it be handled by the cluster, and then assert the response.


When running code in production, it’s important to have the possibility to observe the behavior of the source code, for troubleshooting problems or other purposes. In this section, we are going to discuss what the rest client offers us.


The client contains a RequestLogger, which provides methods to log requests and responses. More precisely, it can log failed requests and successful or failed responses. In other words, a successful request won’t be logged until a response is returned – which makes sense, because having the request and response in the same log is more contextual, it provides more information for troubleshooting.

The request logger can be used as follows:

RequestLogger.logResponse(logger, request.httpRequest, node.getHost(), httpResponse);

As you can see, the logger is injected as the first input argument of the method. In this way, the logger used by the helper class RequestLogger is always to the logger of the caller. It facilitates the lookup of the failure since all the logs can be found by filtering one single class (logger).

There are three levels of logs that are used inside the logger for logging HTTP responses:

  • WARN: when warn level is enabled, the logger logs the warnings retrieved from the HTTP response header Warning.
  • DEBUG: when debug level is enabled, the logger logs the debug HTTP request and response, including the method name, the host, the URI, and the status line from the response
  • TRACE: when trace level is enabled, the internal tracer (another logger) will build a curl request so that you can reproduce the HTTP request directly in your terminal without using HLRC! 😲

You can also find more information from the official documentation Logging (7.15) of Elasticsearch.


If you need a tracing solution, I think there is no built-in solution. However, I saw that there is a third-party library that helps to do this: it’s the OpenTracing Elasticsearch Client Instrumentation.

// Instantiate tracer
Tracer tracer = ...

// Optionally register tracer with GlobalTracer

// Build RestClient adding TracingHttpClientConfigCallback
var builder = RestClient.builder(
    new HttpHost("localhost", 9200, "http"),
    new HttpHost("localhost", 9201, "http"))
.setHttpClientConfigCallback(new TracingHttpClientConfigCallback(tracer))
// set more options...

From what I see in the source code, the class TracingHttpClientConfigCallback implements the method of Elasticsearch’s HLRC interface HttpClientConfigCallback:

public interface HttpClientConfigCallback {
    HttpAsyncClientBuilder customizeHttpClient(HttpAsyncClientBuilder var1);

in which it registers two interceptors into the rest client: an HTTP request interceptor and an HTTP response interceptor. More precisely, the HTTP request interceptor is registered at the last position of the HTTP request interceptor chain, while the HTTP response interceptor is registered at the first position of the HTTP response interceptor chain. This makes sense because we want to record the request only if it will be successfully sent and after all the modifications; as for the response, we want to record it as soon as possible before any modification, such as transforming the response into exception. Here is the source code:

  public HttpAsyncClientBuilder customizeHttpClient(
      final HttpAsyncClientBuilder httpAsyncClientBuilder) {
    httpClientBuilder.addInterceptorLast((HttpRequestInterceptor) (request, context) -> { ... });
    httpClientBuilder.addInterceptorFirst((HttpResponseInterceptor) (response, context) -> { ... });
    return httpClientBuilder;

Going Further

How to go further from here?

  • If you want to learn more about Java High Level REST Client, visit the official documentation Java High Level REST Client.
  • If you want to learn more about the Java API Client, the replacement of Java High Level REST Client, visit the official documentation Elasticsearch Java API Client.
  • If you want to learn more about the instrumentation of the Elasticsearch client, visit GitHub project OpenTracing Elasticsearch Client Instrumentation.
  • If you are interested in other system-design articles, you can find them in my blog by filtering the system-design tag. I wrote two posts last year related to Elasticsearch: the internal structure of a snapshot repository and the decision system for the shard allocation in Elasticsearch.
  • If you are interested in learning more design patterns, Refactoring Guru is an amazing website for you. It is visual and provides code examples in different programming languages.
  • To learn more about Apache HttpComponents Client, you can visit their project on GitHub.


In this article, we explored the Java High-Level REST Client of Elasticsearch. We saw its client by visiting the builder pattern, the auto-closing behavior, and the domain-driven sub-client structure. We saw its packaging, including request, response, sub-client, and converters. We also saw its dependencies, its serialization and deserialization, and the error handling mechanism. Inside the error handling, we discussed different types of exceptions, their meaning, and how to retry. Then, we saw the testing part and the observability part of the client. Finally, I provided some resources for going further on this topic. Interested to know more? You can subscribe to the feed of my blog, follow me on Twitter or GitHub. Hope you enjoy this article, see you the next time!

P.S. Special thanks to Daniel Intskirveli for reviewing this post.
