Elasticsearch is a distributed, RESTful search and analytics engine capable of addressing a growing number of use cases. As the heart of the Elastic Stack, it centrally stores your data so you can discover the expected and uncover the unexpected. See https://www.elastic.co/products/elasticsearch
What Is Vector?
This article discusses what is vector in the world of AI, its definition, vectorization, the motivation of using it, the usage of vector in Elasticsearch and MongoDB, and some personal thoughts.
Supporting Chinese Content in Elasticsearch
This article discusses how to support Chinese content in Elasticsearch using the Internaltional Components for Unicode (ICU) plugin.
Understanding the Explain API in Elasticsearch
This article shows you how to use the Explain API to troubleshoot your query and your documents in Elasticsearch.
How to test an analyzer in Elasticsearch?
Understanding how your content is processed by Elasticsearch even if you have little experience with Elasticsearch using the Analyze API.
Implementing Search-as-you-type in "ChatGPT QuickSearch"
The mechanism of the search-as-you-type feature for the Chrome extension "ChatGPT QuickSearch".
BlogSearch Architecture
The overview of the BlogSearch, a simple search service for blog posts.
Setting Up Monitoring For Java With Datadog
This article explains how to set up Datadog monitoring for a Java application and an Elasticsearch service running in Alibaba Cloud.
Internal Structure Of Elasticsearch Java High-Level REST Client
This article explores the implementation of Elasticsearch Java High-Level REST Client (HLRC) by analyzing the structure of the client, the dependencies, the error handling mechanism, serialization, its observability, and more.
The Decision System For Shard Allocation in Elasticsearch
Curious about how does a decision system work? This article explains the deciders for shard allocation in Elasticsearch by going through their responsibility, structure, decision making, lifecycle, testing, and more.
Slow Query Logs In Elasticsearch
Better understand the slow queries in Elasticsearch by using the slow logs. In this article, we discuss the log structure, the thresholds, and some potential root causes.
Elasticsearch Snapshot Plugins
Elasticsearch snapshot repository plugins for AWS, GCP, and Azure
Elasticsearch Snapshot APIs
This article summarizes the list of APIs for "Snapshot and Restore" in Elasticsearch, which allows you to perform operations easily and navigate to official documentation if you need more detail.
Internal Structure Of Snapshot Repository
This article takes you to the Elasticsearch snapshot repository to explore its internal structure and understand the contents and uses of different files.
Elasticsearch Settings
This article describes the different types of settings of Elasticsearch: cluster settings, index settings, node settings, the difference between static and dynamic settings, and some commonly used curl commands.
How to prevent data loss in Elasticsearch?
Six practical solutions to improve data reliability: improve number of replicas, snapshot and restore, RAID, MQ, etc.
Fix Corrupted Index in Elasticsearch
How to fix corrupted index in Elasticsearch cluster without snapshot?
DVF: Real Estate Analysis For Île-de-France in 2020
This article studies the real estate market of Île-de-France in 2020 by exploring and visualizing the dataset DVF using Kibana. We will discuss the global landscape, the impact of COVID-19, the situation in different departments, and more.
DVF: Aggregations
How to write and execute metric and bucket aggregations in Elasticsearch for dataset: Demandes de valeurs foncières (DVF) for data analytics. Also, how to execute aggregations that contain sub-aggregations.
Elasticsearch: Generate Configuration With Python Jinja 2
This article explains how to generate the configuration for Elasticsearch using Python templating engine Jinja 2 by going through a basic use-case. It also explains features about Jinja2, testing, and more.
Disk Watermarks In Elasticsearch
Understanding different disk watermarks: low, high, and flood-stage in Elasticsearch. The symptom when the cluster reaches these values and how to mitigate or avoid the issues. Also, how to better operate your clusters using these watermarks.
DVF: Snapshot And Restore
Part 4: How to create a snapshot for index "transactions" of DVF and restore it to an Elasticsearch cluster.
DVF: Storage Optimization
Part 3: How to optmize storage of a given index by 40% using force-merge.
DVF: Indexing Optimization
Part 2: Optimize the indexing process using bulk index requests and multi-threading.
DVF: Indexing New Documents
Part 1: Indexing new documents into Elasticsearch using French government's open data "Demande de valeurs foncières (DVF)".
Using Java Time In Different Frameworks
How to use Java Time in different frameworks? This article shares examples in Java concurrency classes, Jackson, Akka, and Elasticsearch.
18 Allocation Deciders in Elasticsearch
This article explains the 18 allocation deciders in Elasticsearch: when they decide to allow, deny, or throttle the shard allocation under different circumstances. Also, a complete list of messages for unassigned shards.
Elasticsearch: Common Index Exceptions
Explain the common Elasticsearch exceptions occurred when indexing new documents, with sample messages, analysis, suggestions and external resources for further investigation.
GC in Elasticsearch
Basic information about garbage collection (GC) in Elasticsearch, including the default garbage collector used, JVM options, GC logging, and more.
Discovery in Elasticsearch
How does discovery work in Elasticsearch? This article explains different mechanisms of discovery, the key settings, fault detection, related logs, and more.
Wrap Elasticsearch Response Into CompletableFuture
Wrap Elasticsearch client response into CompletableFuture in Java for Elasticsearch transport client or Java high level REST client.
Testing Elasticsearch With Docker And Java High Level REST Client
Testing Elasticsearch with docker and Java High Level REST Client
Elasticsearch: cat nodes API
Use Elasticsearch cat nodes API to understand the state of your Elasticsearch: id, name, IP address, CPU, load, memory, and much more.
Elasticsearch: Scroll API in Java
Elasticsearch Scroll API sample written in Java, useful for retrieving large numbers of results (or even all results) from a single search request.
Indexing New Data in Elasticsearch
Initializing Elasticsearch client, sending a single index request or a bulk index request, index response, different content types, refresh policy etc.
Testing Elasticsearch with ESSingleNodeTestCase
Writing unit tests for Elasticsearch using Elasticsearch Single Node Test Case (ESSingleNodeTestCase), a derived class of ESTestCase which simplifies the testing set up for you.